Page 13 - Agrisales Magazine ONLINE EDITION - April 2020
P. 13

The SA
                                                                                                                              is a hydraulic multi seed
                                                                                                                         drill and fertilizer designed for
                                                                                                                          planting of all crops of thick
                                                                                                                           (beans, soybeans, corn,
                                                                                             sunflower...) and thin (oats,
                                                                                                                         wheat, rye, canola, pasture...)
                                                                                                                         grains. Strength, versatility and
                                                                                                                         The SA  is a hydraulic multi seed
                                                                                                                           precision are exclusive
                                                                                                                         drill and fertilizer designed for
                                                                                                                         characteristics that serve the
                                                                                                                          planting of all crops of thick
                                                                                                                           plantation needs and the
                                                                                                                           (beans, soybeans, corn,
                                              FYN SAAD PLANTERS  VANAF                                                  requirements for an excellent job.
                                                                                                                          sunflower...) and thin (oats,
                                                                                                                         wheat, rye, canola, pasture...)
                                                                                                                         grains. Strength, versatility and
                                               7 RY TOT 38 RY BESKIKBAAR                                                 characteristics that serve the
                                                                                                                           precision are exclusive
                                                                                                                                 Seed  Bin  (Small  Grains)
                                                                                                     Fertilizer  Feeder  Mechanism:
                                                                                                                                 (OPTIONAL):  The  system  is
                                                                                                     mechanical  carrier  rotor  type
                                                                                                                                 used to mix others kind of seed
                                                                                                     feeder  with  self-cleaning
                                                                                                                           plantation needs and the  very  small
                                                                                                                                 (low  rate).  Normally
                                                                                                     milimetric adjustment, initiated
                                                                                                                                 seeds (Ex. pasture).
                                                                                                     by worm screw.
                                                                                                                        requirements for an excellent job.
                                                                                                     Fertilizer  tank:  modulated,   Operation  Access  Platform:
                                                                                                                                 Seed  Bin  (Small  Grains)
                                                                                                     Fertilizer  Feeder  Mechanism:
                                                                                                     mechanical  carrier  rotor  type  y
                                                                                                     m a d e   i n   l o w - d e n s i t  rear platform providing perfect
                                                                                                                                 (OPTIONAL):  The  system  is
                                                                                                                                 o p e r a t i o n   a n d   s u p p l
                                                                                                     anticorrosive  structura    used to mix others kind of seed  y
                                                                                                     feeder  with  self-cleaning  l
                                                                                                     polyethylene.               conditions.
                                                                                                     milimetric adjustment, initiated
                                                                                                                                 (low  rate).  Normally  very  small
                                                                                                     by worm screw.  NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT / NUWE   seeds (Ex. pasture).
                                                                                                                                 Operation  Access  Platform:  :
                                                                                                     Seed  Tank:  polyethylen    Tr a n s m i s s i o n   R e l a t i o n
                                                                                                     Fertilizer  tank:  modulated,  e
                                                                                                                                 Through  a  combination  of
                                                                                                     bucket  type  for  thick  grains,   rear platform providing perfect
                                                                                                     m a d e   i n   l o w - d e n s i t y
                                                                                                     anticorrosive  structural   o p e r a t i o n   a n d   s u p p l y
                                                                                                                                 sprocket wheels, with changing
                                                                                                     with 25(kg)/31(l) per row.
                                                                                                     polyethylene.               conditions. through  the  comb
                                                                                                                                 wheels  side  affixed.  The
                                                                                                                                 transmission  has  shielded
                                                                                                                                 bearings  to  provide  greater
                                                                                                                                 security and durability.
                                                                                                     Seed  Tank:  polyethylene   Seed Sowing: The seed sowing
                                                                                                     Seed  Feeder  Mechanism:
                                                                                                                                 Tr a n s m i s s i o n   R e l a t i o n :
                                                                                                     bucket  type  for  thick  grains,   system  is  operated  by  two
                                                                                                     mechanical  feeder  through
                                                                                                                                 Through  a  combination  of
                                                                                                     with 25(kg)/31(l) per row.
                                                                                                                                 sprocket wheels, with changing
                                                                                                     slotted  rotor  with  continuous   mismatched disk mounted in “V”
                                                                                                                                 option  through  the  comb
                                                                                                     flow system for both thin and   shape with 13” x  14”
                                                                                                     thick seeds.                wheels  side  affixed.  The
                                                                                                                                 transmission  has  shielded
                                                                                                                                 bearings  to  provide  greater
                                                                                                                                 security and durability.
 THE COMPANY                                                                                         Seed  Tank:  (thin  grains)  the   Seed Sowing: The seed sowing
                                                                                                                                 Limiting  Ring  Option:  for  the
                                                                                                     Seed  Feeder  Mechanism:
                                                                                                     mechanical  feeder  through
                                                                                                     seed  tank  is  made  in  steel   system  is  operated  by  two
                                                                                                                                 double disc (rice).
                                                                                                     slotted  rotor  with  continuous
 FANTINI is a leading company  in  the                                                               metal.                      mismatched disk mounted in “V”
 production of corn and sunfl ower headers,                                                           flow system for both thin and   shape with 13” x  14”
                                                                                                     thick seeds.
 products that can be applied to all kinds
 or models of combine.  The company
 exponential  development  confi rms  the
 capability to satisfy a demanding clientele.
 Planning versatility is the pregorative
 that  differentiates  FANTINI  from  combine                                                        Seed  Tank:  (thin  grains)  the   Limiting  Ring  Option:  for  the
 harvester manufacturers that provide                                                                seed  tank  is  made  in  steel   double disc (rice).
 similar but standard products.           SONNEBLOM                                   SUMMER         metal.                    WINTER
 FANTINI was formed in 1968 and since the                                             Feeling the need of several producers who cultivate rocky lands, VENCE TUDO developed
 beginning has been based in Medole, in the                                           the  most  efficient  penetration  and  ground  attack  system.  Baptized  and  patented  “Stone
 province  of  Mantua  (Northern  Italy),  just   TAFELS                              Jumper”, a simple name which exemplifies in a practical way its essential operation to a
 120 km far from Milan. Its premises cover                                            uniform  and  much  more  efficient  planting,  ensuring  better  germination  and  significantly
                                                                                      avoiding breaks and stops, common in these soil situations, reducing time and costs in the
 an area of 20.000 square metres, 9.000 of                                            plantation process.
 which are occupied by a modern plant fi tted
 with high tech equipment and machinery.
 FANTINI prerogative is high quality and                                                                            NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT / NUWE EN GEBRUIKTE TOERUSTING
 robustness. Each component is checked                                                SUMMER                                   WINTER
 before being placed on the assembly and                                              Feeling the need of several producers who cultivate rocky lands, VENCE TUDO developed   Cover Mechanism: Seed cover and
 varnishing line. Design and production                                               the  most  efficient  penetration  and  ground  attack  system.  Baptized  and  patented  “Stone   depth limiting mechanism through a
                                                                                                                                single  rubber  whell  providing  a
 engineers are part of the Research and                                               Jumper”, a simple name which exemplifies in a practical way its essential operation to a   perfect cover.
 Development department.  They have                                                   uniform  and  much  more  efficient  planting,  ensuring  better  germination  and  significantly
                                                                                      avoiding breaks and stops, common in these soil situations, reducing time and costs in the
 matured  a  wide  experience,  that  enables                                         plantation process.
 them to carry out any type of changes and
 prototypes to satisfy all customers’ needs,
 in compliance with high quality, robustness
 and reliability standards.   N°        N°
 Nowadays FANTINI export 97% of   different number of rows   different row spacing   different number of rows   different row spacing   Cover Mechanism: Seed cover and
                              available on request
                                               available on request
 their  products  all  over  the  world,  with  the   available on request  cm 70-75-80  available on request  cm 70-75-80  Attachment kit with   Specially designed   Divider tips  depth limiting mechanism through a
                                        6 > 12
                       2 > 16
                                                                                                                                single  rubber  whell  providing  a
 contribution of a wide network of authorized                                                                                   perfect cover.
 dealers.  FANTINI  participates  to  the  most   6 > 16  cm 45-50  6 > 16  cm 45-50  adjustable inclination  central bonnets  The long divider tips,
 important exhibitions all over the world.                      Thanks to the use of   The basin shaped central   which can be folded
                                                             interchangeable attachment   bonnets, which are tilted   during transportation,
 TECHNICAL DETAILS                                         kits, the sunfl ower headers can   backwards, gather the   make the harvest of   Option:  Iron  wheel  system  in  “V”   Option:  Iron  wheel  system  in  "V"
                                                                                                     Cover Mechanism: A set of two seed
                                                                                       Option:  Cover  disc  system  for
                                                                                                     depth limiting wheels in “V” shape,
                                                                                                                                shape  for  limiting  the  seed  depth
                                                                                       closing  the  furrow,  with  a
                                                                                                                  shape for seed depth limiting with
                                                                                  seeds which fall before
                                                                                       plantation  furrow  compactor  and  fallen or fl attened plants
                                                           be easily connected to all types
 FANTINI GP operates totally free from seeding rows and runs smoothly even in the most adverse conditions. The   of combines.   reaching the conveying   easier. with a plantation furrow compactor   adjustable  angle  for  closing  the   with adjustable angle for closing the
                                                                                       limiting 3rd wheel.
                                                                                                                                plantation furrow.
                                                                                                                  furrow,  with  a  plantation  furrow
                                                                                                     3rd wheel.
                                                                                                                  compactor 3rd wheel.
 sunfl ower is guided from the divider points to the knives until the sunfl ower heads are captured by the reel. Once the   auger.
                                                             A kit can be easily changed
 cut of the stalk is performed, the reel brings the fl ower into the intake auger ensuring a continuous and homogenous
                                                           without specialized assistance.
                                                                                       Option:  Cover  disc  system  for   Cover Mechanism: A set of two seed   Option:  Iron  wheel  system  in  “V”   Option:  Iron  wheel  system  in  "V"
                                                                                       closing  the  furrow,  with  a   depth limiting wheels in “V” shape,   shape for seed depth limiting with   shape  for  limiting  the  seed  depth
                                                                                       plantation  furrow  compactor  and   with a plantation furrow compactor   adjustable  angle  for  closing  the   with adjustable angle for closing the
                                                                                       limiting 3rd wheel.  3rd wheel.  furrow,  with  a  plantation  furrow   plantation furrow.
                                                                                                                  compactor 3rd wheel.
                           Simple and sturdy construction
                           The simple and sturdy construction of Fantini’s
                           sunfl ower (and corn) headers guarantees a
                           faultless performance over time.
           Inttrac Trading (Pty Ltd) Kantoor: 016 365 5799             External Rear           Attachment Kit with   E EN GEBRUIKTE TOERUSTING
                                                                                               Adjustable Inclination
           Heelwerktuie - Adam van Aswegen: 078 457 0952               The transmission mechanism   The Sunfl ower Head can be
                                                                       is composed of a cardan
                                                                                               easily adapted to all combines.
           E- pos:                                 shaft and of a splined shaft   The attachment kits can be
                                                                                               replaced without the assistance
                                                                       connected to the combine
           Frans Jacobs: 082 921 2520                                  power by a PTO shaft.    of specialized operators.
           E- pos:
           Web:      Kontak ons vir jou naaste handelaar regoor die land.
      Feeding Aguer           Cutting System               Auger
 The intake Auguer perfectly   The gear box and the whole   The Auguer is equipped with
 guides the fl ower heads into   cutting system are built with   a safety clutch to ensure a
   the feed rake conveyor.   high quality materials and   solid reliable transmission
                            components. The divider      mechanism.
                          points have been designed
                         to ensure exceptional picking
                        speed and to minimize product
                                              Simple and Robust Making
                                            Fantini S.r.l. guarantee a header of
                                           exceptional quality and durability.
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